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Greenwood City Council Releases Funds for Summer Fest

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 -- 10:07 AM

-The Greenwood City Council approved the releasing of funds for Summer Fest at their meeting last week.

According to the unofficial minutes from the meeting, the council approved the dispersal of $4,000 budgeted for Summer Fest as needed. The council heard the Report of Officers. The Greenwood Police Department is dealing with an abandoned vehicle and the part-time officer is doing well. The Elementary Summer School program will possibly be offering Hunter Safety course to students and they would like to use range for testing with the Chief of Police supervising. The city attorney suggested a written request be made by school to the council. The council also heard the Public Works Report. They discussed the snow removal procedures and approved a building permit for Ken & Cheryl Smith. The council also approved initiating bids for the museum roof and they heard several reports.

The city attorney stated his last meeting is March 20th and his retirement is March 27th. The clerk also provided a guideline for gift/monetary amount if an employee is off for significant amount of time, but that was tabled till the next meeting. Also, a council member reported on the Fire Association meeting, a CCEDC meeting and an aldermen suggested contacting Builders Source for recommendations on museum front modifications. Finally, the mayor offered employees time off on January 30th due to weather and the council approved payment to one employee that did so. The council then tabled till their next meeting the decision to allow the mayor to make decisions to close City Hall due to weather conditions or emergencies in future.

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